Corrective Therapy
What you are about to read are the case notes from an experiment in human behaviour that follows three cases through the therapy. Therapy that aims to prove that the mental framework of the modern white man is basically submissive… Arranged in a format of therapy sessions and notes, the whole novel purports to be the result of a scientific test of theoretical behaviour.
Using therapy sessions as the doorway into the subject’s minds, leveraging the intimacy and privacy as well as the trust, the verbatim sessions are laid bare as are the plans, aims and conversations of the therapists who are testing their premise.
Kathy and Larry Schmidt - She is more intelligent and focussed than her husband. The therapists work to show the couple that sex outside marriage can be beneficial to both partners. A conventional marriage is tested to the full…
Elsie and Richard - An unmarried couple in an open relationship. This couple seek therapy due to jealousy issues. These are settled once and for all by the therapists as they insert themselves into the minds of the subjects and show that their open marriage is a fiction.
James Vallely - A single man that has serious sexual issues seeks help from the therapists. In this case, the subject is shown a better way of living his life and the therapy team teach him that subordinate behaviour is the best route to
In many ways, this is an experimental novel. Long sections are just conversation between the therapists and their victims, others are background that give clues as to how the sadistic therapists achieve their aims. I was relieved when those that read the completed novel returned to say that it was a great read. So, prepare for something a little unusual and fasten your seatbelts, because the ride is hard and takes more than a few savage twists.
58,000 Words
Every one of my books is detailed on my personal website at MissIreneClearmont.Com. Searchable, no distractions or ads, no blind links and all about the writing...
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